Para el verano, cuentos en Inglés

Se acerca el verano, largos días donde las actividades lúdicas tienen que cubrir el gran espacio de nuestrxs hijxs. Excursiones, títeres, museos,…. y como no, libros. En esta ocasión os vamos a dejar una pequeña selección de libros en inglés, este idioma que tenemos muy pendiente y del que nos preocupamos durante todo el curso escolar.

Para ello la selección que os ofrecemos permite no solo trabajar la gramática, el vocabulario y la redacción, sino valores de tolerancia, diversidad y derechos humanos.

Aprovechemos estos meses para aportar literatura nutrida de valores en inglés.

Sin t’tulo-1A TASTE OF THE MOON. The animals that live in the jungle show us how the things we share always taste much better.




9788484649656ARE YOU ARE FRIENDS? is an illustrated album aimed at pre – readers and early readers about building the friendship between a boy and a bear : two very different characters, but they can be complementary if they help each other . Anabel Fernández Rey structure the work into two parts , showing the views , wishes and needs of the two protagonists in situations dayly.


9788484647096BUTTERFLY EARS. Mara is special. Nothing or nobody will be able to put her down since her mother has given her the key to rise above any type of criticism: self-esteem, imagination and spontaneity.




Sin t’tulo-1THE BEGINNING. Once, there was a war. When the war ended, we didn’t have a home. “Never mind,” my mother said. “We have a car.” So we lived in the car. And from then on, we lived on the road… The Beginning contrasts tenderness with horror, imagination with terrible hardship, and the strength of close family ties with the human drama. Paula Carballeira is skilfully turns the cruel, devastating effects of war into a beautiful poem, while the hyper-realistic illustrations by Sonja Danowski take readers into the ruins of the bombardment

Chivos:22x22THE THREE BILLY GOATS. Popular tale. This is what happened to three billy goats -a big billy goat, a medium-sized billy goat, and a little billy goat- when they wanted to cross a bridge for eating some juicy green grass on the other side of the river and met a terrible ogre just there.

Y mucho mas en nuestra sección de INGLÉS


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